More than one million Australians aged 15 and older practice yoga, according to data from the Australian Sports Commission.
But, in recent years, there has been an exponential increase in Australians practicing yoga ahead of sports including tennis, golf and soccer.
Yoga offers a wide range of health benefits. Since its inception and development, the practice has been a way to relieve stress, calm the mind and relax the body.
But, as more people become interested in practicing yoga, it becomes necessary to also understand its history and importance.
So, how is yoga shaping up in the daily life of Aussies and the long history of Australia?
Image: Image courtesy of Pexels: Elina Fairytale
Produced By: Aryana Mohmood
Featured In Story: Amanda Rigley – Speech Pathologist and Yoga Instructor , and
First aired on The Wire, Thursday 17 August 2023